Other Services Offered


Transportation is provided for individuals eligible under the following programs: Nom-Emergency Medical for Gallia County Department of Job & Famiy Services (GCDJFS), Nom-Emergency Medical for Meigs County Department of Job & Famiy Services (MCDJFS), and Meigs Title 20 for MCDJFS.

United Way/United Fund/ Emergency Food and Shelter Program (EFSP)

The Gallia County United Way, Meigs County United Fund, and Emergency Food and Shelter Programs are a combination of programs which are “Emergency” based instead of income based. They are used in conjunction with the Crisis programming and when there is no other help available. These programs run year round or until funds are depleted.

Community Action Agency Home Relief Grant (HRG)

Community Action Agency Home Relief Grant (HRG) provides assistance for renters only. It will assist with rent and utilities for a 18 month limit. The poverty level is 80% AMI. This program ends September 2023 or until funds run out.

Save the Dream

The Save the Dream Program assists homeowners with mortgages, insurance, property taxes, utilities, internet, and bulk fuel. There is a $10,000 limit for a 6 month period.

LI-HEAP Water Program

LI-HEAP Water Program provides assistance with paying water and wastewater bills such as disconnects or disconnected, new service, and transfers.